Tuesday 3 September 2024

Celosia in My Garden

in my periphery

you arrived at my door

with your guns and cannons

i wondered why the uproar?

marched into my house with full force

and aimed your cannons at my door

to destroy my peace and drag me to the sea

the celosia in my garden still flourishing in the war

been through your drought, my undying love

i hate you to your face

but I love you in my silence

my friends called it a “a toxic affair meant to be crushed

either by fate or by your lover’s hand”

About- This poem is about loving someone even if hurts you and i know some of you might think its toxic but sometimes that's how the love is, for me.

Monday 2 September 2024

Grand Plan of Escaping

on my desk

lays a plan grand

to escape from my town

and live in the valley


waking up to the sound of birds chirping

ending my day with a walk in the evening

at night, sipping tea by the fire

to falling asleep in the arms of my lover


i’ll watch, “trees shedding a part of them in fall”

i’ll watch, fog cover my ground”

i’ll watch, “rain pouring down”

i’ll watch, “green take over again”


i’ll watch my inner child heal


words from them won’t hurt anymore

looks from them won’t scare anymore

scars from them will stitch up this time

and they won’t be there anymore

About- have you ever felt like you don't fit in a certain group of peoples or feels like nothing seems to work out for you and everything is so torturous that you feel like dying? then this is just the poem you need to read that is my escape plan.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Whispers to September

dear september,

tell me, “you’ll be fine”

tell me, “you won’t bleed”

tell me, “your eyes won’t rain”

tell me, “your wounds will heal”

tell me, “you won’t be sad”

tell me, “this month won’t be same”

tell me, “it’s the happiest you’ll be”

tell me, “someone will love you”

tell me, “words won’t be shot at me”

tell me, “memories won’t haunt you”

tell me, “this time will be different”

tell me, “you will make memories”

tell me, “you won’t be deserted”

tell me, “ you won’t be depressed”

tell me, “you’ll be at peace and free”

About- It's not just a poem but a plea from September that i wish to be happy. 

Saturday 31 August 2024

Crying Sky, Silent Heart

staring at the sky, pink-blue

that just cried its eyes out, dark-maroon

emptiness from the inside, don’t know what to do

close my eyes or hide inside my room

i cry in veil

as the man cut my wings

the defeat led to my feet

his actions, his words

still haunts my existence

should i stay or die?

About- This poem is about loneliness that i penned looking at pink-blue sky and instead of feeling love all i could do was question my existence and this feeling is scary. 

Flowers at My Funeral

on a ship wandering on seas

a sea of peoples seeking for peace

i asked them,

“if the ship went down, which flower should they use at my funeral?”

he said lotus

but I said lavender

she said peony

but I said sunflower

out of the crowd someone screamed out,

“use a bouquet”

i asked ‘why?’

he rephrased it and said,

“idiot they all mean recovering and peace”

About- This poem is about seeking peace through all the chaos in your life. So keep looking for your stolen peace.

Friday 30 August 2024

Ashes of Our Love Affair

my firm belief in your words

that i believed it to be true

you played your games

but hid your troops

“i love you”, is what you said

but it lacked the feeling of you

memories i woven on a tangle thread

but you burnt it down with me and you


ashes from your fire reached my crown

and our ill fated love reached oblivion

i tried, you tried and we both screamed at the sky

now that you’re gone, my cries cannot reach to your sky

my friends seek pleasure in my pain

my lover died before the age

my eyes cried in longing of you

searching closure but pain is here to stay

About- This poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song "hoax" and is about Betty grieving the loss of James who died fighting in the war. She is missing him yet still standing up for herself because James cheated on her, which is something she can't forgive him for but she knew he loved her and it was Betty herself who couldn't love him again and now that he is no more, she has realised she loved him as much he loved her. 

Thursday 29 August 2024

Tomb of Unrest

high rising waves crashing on my tomb

the tomb of stone i built on my grave

a sailor on a sea on a ship with no sail

i carved my story on stones with my nails


in a well where my savior’s hands feel shorter

escaping this town is only way move forward

sun never rises in my forever cold world

peace is something you will long for in my world



i’ll try

i’ll fight

i’ll love


i’ll die

About- This poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song, "peace" and is about James leaving the town because he couldn't forget Betty and is depressed. It is after that he decided to go on The Great War as a way to escape. I wrote this poem based on my emotions that keep reminding me that my fight for peace is a never ending torture. 

Wednesday 28 August 2024

To Die or Return

in your void

i hear voices

that guide me to places

an escape from my messes


“lift up your gun son

and run to the battleground

seize their cannons

and come back to the town”


enemies on the shore

is back to kill you once more

the death you escaped before

is back mi amore


so the voices said,

“fight like a hero

roar like a hero

die like a hero

or come back like a hero”

About- This poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song, "epiphany" and is about James going to fight in war to forget Betty while he is depressed. 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

The Color of Betrayal

like scene in an old cinema

they expect me to let down my guard

to let my fort infiltrate by their soldiers

and execute me like a witch on the holy ground

and if i found someone to count stars with

then i'm to be crushed by your stones?


if i stand up for my belief

if i stand up against a liar

if i stand up against a cheater

if i seek explanation from him

to clear the gray haze that he brought upon me

they imposed the title of "mad woman" upon me


colors are a merry mirage

i speak words true in this hearing before you

sky color is not permanent

leaves color is not permanent

your pink painted sky turned gray again

and leaves green lost their color in fall

About- This poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song "mad woman" and is about Betty moving on from James and finding someone new while everyone keep calling her mad woman.

Monday 26 August 2024

Under the Same Daylight

pain that still exists in my lips and veins

blood was thick but lighter than my weight

your mornings, my nights

my mornings, your nights

heaven arrived at my door

when you moved by the lake


now under the same daylight

now under the same moonlight

sunflowers I planted point to your place

heaven told me,

“it was fated in the first place”


i wandered through the woods in my head

i drifted on an ocean made of my tears

always in search to find way out of gray haze

and so he painted my sky pink

when he stood by my grave

AboutThis poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song, "invisible string" and is about Betty being nostalgic that how her and James story came together, after what her abusive father did to her. James painted her gray world to pink and showed her love and what tied them together was a red string. 

Sunday 25 August 2024

Funeral of Our Love

standing on altar

they said “greatest lovers united”

bejeweled in ‘shiny stones’

later to be thrown back

at me in courtroom


my obscured vision of love

i’m stripped off your ‘lover’ title

how did we get here? My love

from singing together at our wedding

to you playing at my funeral


trying to put back the bricks

that you once threw at me?


realization struck you

when I’m gone

your efforts will go waste

but dear you succeeded in saving your face

your tears of regret won’t dry any sooner

my love wasn’t an illusion

you will share my tears

but I wish you well

and someone who will share those tears

About- This poem is part of my poetry collection titled "Folklore: The Folk Tales of Summer", which is written based on the stories sang by Taylor Swift in her 8th studio album folklore. This poem is based on the song "my tears ricochet" and is about James funeral who has died after battling with depression.